Valery Gergiev and Tolibkhon Shakhidi released a new CD. Music is recorded by the London Symphonic Orchestra and Mariinsky Orchestra


CD Cover.

Short Movie about the recording of the music with the London Symphonic Orchestra

Short Movie about the recording of the music with the Mariinsky Orchestra

Лондонский Симфонический Оркестр

Дирижер Валерий ГЕРГИЕВ

1. САДО - симфоническая поэма

СМЕРТЬ РОСТОВЩИКА. Фрагменты из балета

2. Вариация Кори-ростовщика

3. Адажио

4. Адажио-дуэт

5. Царица денег и смерть Кори

СИЯВУШ. Фрагмент из балета

6. Танец юношей

РУБАИ ХАЙЯМА. Фрагменты из балета

7. Шествие вельмож

8. Вариация Ситоры

9. Черные воины


10. Концерт для кларнета с оркестром. Cолист - Игорь Федоров

11. ДАРИУС - Симфоническая картина

12. Торжественный марш

Produced by Shakhidi & Sons

Все материалы раздела «News»

  • «Music by Tolib Shakhidi is a brilliant synthesis of the East and West. I performed his poem "Sado" with great pleasure and it was always a great success.»

    Valery Gergiev
    Art Director and Chief Conductor of Mariin's Theatre St. Petersburg and London Symphonic Orchestra

  • «Tolib Shakhidi's 3rd piano concert is undoubtedly a brilliant achievement by the composer. This music was written on impulse and is listened to with great interest. I think that this music will be performed everywhere and could become an event at any international festival.»

    Alexander Tchaikovsky
    Professor of the Moscow State Conservatory

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